Global Edu Tech
Contact Us

Terms & Conditions


Global Edutech Services Limited, a private Limited Company registered in England and Wales under company number 14858717, who registered and main trading address is 2nd Floor College House, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, United Kingdom, HA4 7AE.

Data Protection Officer: Wisdom Chinonye (Acting as DPOaaS).
Email address:
Telephone number: +447518692456.
Postal address: 2nd Floor College House, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, United Kingdom, HA4 7AE

The organisation collects and processes personal data relating to its customers for each subscribed service(s) only. The organisation is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations.

All personal data that we hold about you will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection laws including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (GDPR), Privacy & Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and Data Protection Act 2018 and any subsequent legislation.

Please take time to read this Privacy Notice. Please note, we may change this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect how we deliver our products and services so please revisit this Privacy Notice regularly. While we will notify you of any material changes, we encourage you to review this periodically

Your Data

  1. What information does the organisation collect?

The organisation collects and processes a range of information about you. This includes (but is not limited to):

Your name, address and contact details, including email address and telephone number, date of birth and gender.

We can also collect;

The organisation may collect this information in a variety of ways. For example, data may be collected from yourself, from your parent/Guardian/Responsible Adult, from professionals with whom you work or from your next of kin.

Data will be stored in a range of different places, including in your client file, in the organisation’s computer system and/or in a secured cloud application.

  1. Reasons why Global Edutech Services Limited Collects personal Information.

We collect personal data to enable us to fulfil our legitimate business needs, such as:

Your information may be shared internally, including with members of our staff for their performance of their roles.

The organisation may share your data with third parties as a requirement for the service for which the customer have paid for, or delegated us to do.

  1. How does the organisation protect your data?

The organisation takes the security of your data seriously. The organisation has internal policies and controls in place to try to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessed except by its employees in the performance of their duties.

Where the organisation engages third parties to process personal data on its behalf, they do so on the basis of written instructions, are under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data.

  1. For how long does the organisation keep data?

The organisation will hold your personal data for the duration of the subscribed service. The periods for which your data is held after the end of our service:

Personal records:  2 years after we have completed the service.

Marketing Purposes: 1 year after we have completed the service.

The organisation may wish to contact you after you have left us as a client for marketing purposes or to inform you of a new service line that the organisation is now providing. The organisation will ask for your consent before it keeps your data for this purpose and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time.

  1. National Data Opt-Out

The national data opt-out gives everyone the choice to stop organisations from sharing their “confidential patient information” with other organisations where it is used for reasons such as research and planning purposes.

Confidential patient information applies to information about someone’s health or social care that can identify them. Global Edutech services, in line with your wishes and the national data opt-out, are required to apply national data opt-outs to use or disclose confidential patient information for purposes other than that we were delegated to do.
We only share personal information on a “need to know” basis, observing strict protocols when doing so. Most of the data sharing is with other professionals or third party institutions.
We will always inform you if we fundamentally change the way we use your
personal data.

  1. Your rights:

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can:

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer, Global Edutech services limited on
Telephone number: +447518692456. Postal address: 2nd Floor College House, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, United Kingdom, HA4 7AE

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your rights) This is an appropriate security measure to ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

If you believe that the organisation has not complied with your data protection rights, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.

  1. What does this mean for me as a Client?

As a client, information collected about you could be provided to other approved organisations, where there is a legal basis to do so to achieve the service for which you have paid for.
Information is only used where allowed by law and never for insurance or marketing purposes without explicit consent. Global Edutech servces will always seek written permission from you before sharing personal information with anyone else, for purposes other than the paid service.
However, if you do not want your personal data to be used for planning, marketing or research,
you can stop this.

  1. What if you do not provide personal data?

You have some obligations under the contract to provide the organisation with data. This data will enable us deliver the service you have paid for.

Your data is important to us and under no circumstances will we sell your data to a third party.

Document Name: Global Edutech Services Limited Privacy Notice for Customers v1.1
Reviewed by Wisdom Sunday
Date Created: 26 May 2023.
Next Scheduled Review: 25 May 2024.